Thursday, April 17, 2008

Chapter's 11+12 (Frankenstein)
1. How does the creature describe his first days of life?
He describes his first day of life as being confusing and frightening.

2. Why does the creature decide to travel, and why is this a difficult decision for him?
He decides to travel because he needs a place to stay, and it is a hard decision because he will have to leave Victor.

3. How does the creature respond to fire?
He is delighted with fire and curious.

4. What happens when the creature enters a village? Where does he end up staying?
When he enters the village a man sees him and runs off frightened. He ends up staying in a hovel.

5. How does the creature feel about the cottagers? At first, how does he react to the expression of emotions he observes them displaying?
The monster is fascinated by the cottagers. He is confused about their emotions.

6. Although the creature wants to join these people, why does he decide not to?
because he knows that the cottagers will be frightened and disgusted of his appearance.

7. How does the creature show understanding and kindness to this family?
He helps them gather wood and repair the cottage.

8. What does the creature spend the winter doing, and what does this reveal about him?
He spends his winter observing and learning the family and their language.

9. What does the creature say he discovers about himself? What feelings does this discovery cause?
The monster discovers that he is ugly which makes him sad.

10. What does the creature plan to do regarding the family? How is he feeling at this point?
He plans to help them...?? he is feeling envious.

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